Clallam County Genealogical Society
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The program is Using the DAR Database for Genealogy
Saturday, February 15
The program is Using the DAR Database for Genealogy  (Monthly Meeting)
9:30 am
Research Center and Zoom 403 E. 8th, Port Angeles
Our speaker will be Georgianna Seko, a long-time genealogist and DAR member.  Her topic will be Using the DAR database for Genealogy.  It is often overlooked by researchers, but may hold the key to solving your "brick wall" problem.
The Genealogical Research System, or GRS for short, is DAR’s online genealogical portal. Here you will find collections of databases DAR has made available online. These include our Ancestor Database, Member Database, Descendants Database, DAR Library Catalog, DAR Genealogical Records Committee database, The Revolutionary War Digital Library and corresponding index, and a couple of others.  The databases are arranged on separate tabs to make navigation easier.

Writer's Group
Wednesday, February 19
Writer's Group  (Special Interest Group)
10:30 am
Research Center 403 E. 8th, Port Angeles
Writer’s Special Interest Group (SIGS) at the Research Center.  We had one before Covid.  It’s time to write memories for your family!

Thursday, February 20
WiKiTree  (Special Interest Group)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Research Center 403 E. 8th, Port Angeles
Wikitree Special Interest Group (SIG) at the CCGS Center. Our projects will include developing new free space pages. This may include local pioneer projects, your family tree, or whatever you want it to be! The SIG is for current members, led by our volunteer, Jim Harris.