Clallam County Genealogical Society
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Webinar with lunch and discussion
Thursday, October 24
Webinar with lunch and discussion  (Education)
11:00 am to 1:30 pm
KQSM Radio in Sequim
“Finding Origins and Birth Families: Methods that Work,” presented by Elizabeth Shown Mills.  Bring a Friend.

Brick Wall Session
Friday, October 25
Brick Wall Session  (Education)
1:00 pm
Research Center and Zoom 403 E. 8th, Port Angeles
Clallam Co. Genealogy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting; BRICK WALL SESSION
Next Friday, I will be hosting a Brick Wall Session at CCGS Research Center and on Zoom.  All are welcome to join.  This is a crowd-sourcing project, so those with research expertice and those with questions are welcome to attend.  Come help us all learn and help each other.  
Ginny Majewski

Judy Russell
Saturday, November 9
Judy Russell  (Seminar)
9:15 am to 1:45 pm
Research Center and Zoom 403 E. 8th, Port Angeles
A Legal Perspective for Genealogists
A three-part seminar featuring Judy G. Russell

She is one of the most popular speakers for Genealogical Societies and National Events. Her unusual lectures reflect her legal background. 

Schedule and Topics Information:
Schedule and Topics Information:
          9:15 - 9:30am              Registration Sign-in/Tech Check
 9:30 - 9:45am              Introductions/ Announcements

 9:45-10:45am              Session I: Revelers, Hogkillers and Disobedient Children: Early State Laws. 
The laws our ancestors lived by tell their own story of life in earlier times, and early state laws from every part of the nation tell the stories of Blue Laws, wild animals, and children needing humbling.  Judy will include a look at early Washington State laws.

10:45- 11:00am                 Break
11:00am – Noon          Session II:  Landing The Ancestors: Federal and State Land Records

Land records are among the earliest, most complete and most valuable genealogical records and often among the most puzzling. Understanding how land was acquired, measured and recorded under the law is essential to using the records effectively.  This is a good introduction to land records overall according to Judy.
Noon – 12:45pm         Lunch Break
12:45 – 1:45pm             Session III:  Landing the Fourths: Proving a Case with Court, Land, and DNA Evidence                                                                                       
The father of Gustavus Boone Robertson (1827 MS-1903 TX) was William M. Robertson (c1795 NC-1864 MS). But who was Gustavus's mother? No record directly identifies her, but court, land, and DNA evidence combine to prove the case as to the identity of this third great-grandmother and, in doing so, landing the fourths—fourth great-grandparents, that is. (This is a complex case study but can readily be followed by a general audience)  
The Seminar will be presented by Zoom that you may listen to at home, or attend at the CCGS Research Center 
$50 for CCGS members $55 for non-CCGS members and at the door
Early Bird Registration begins Tuesday, October 1st . Save $10 off registration fee!
Early Bird Registration ends Tuesday, October 15th
Prepaid Registration by check or Paypal ends Tuesday, November 5th

To acquire the Zoom codes and more information: Phone: 360-417-5000
Checks should be made out to CCGS. Credit cards can use the Paypal app found on our website:

Tuesday, November 19
Webinar  (Education)
11:30 am to 1:00 pm
Research Center 403 E. 8th, Port Angeles
To be announced